17 September, 2024

Terms & Condition

1. How this site will earn money?

The fundamental service of this site, which is providing idea, will always remain free. However, if someone need the details of an idea or cannot still gather courage to start the business, www.luckyideabd.com can provide consultancy service. www.luckyideabd.com can also earn money through advertisement.

2. How I can get the details of my preferred idea?

Here are some sub-categories under each category. The ideas are presented under these sub-categories. Also to get the details of preferred idea one can use search option. For more details click on category, write information and submit.

3. How I can get assistance from www.luckyideabd.com in implementing an idea?

Write the idea that you want to implement in our contact page and submit.

4. How I can send my idea to www.luckyideabd.com?

At the start visit ‘your idea’ page and register name with your necessary information. Put the name of your idea and other necessary information like possible investment, product, estimated profit, necessary elements, manufacturing process, advantage, marketing, qualifications in designated box and submit.

5. How I can sign up in www.luckyideabd.com?

Signing up in www.luckyideabd.com is very easy and free. Go to sign up page and submit after giving necessary information, your account will be opened automatically. Once your account is opened, you will get instructions through your email on how to activate it.

6: Why I cannot’ sign in’ in my account?

Click on ‘sign in’ link on top of the site menu. Entering into the sign in page give your email address and password and submit.

7: Who is the best idea provider of this month?

From your ideas we will reward one in every month as the best idea provider. www.luckyideabd.com authority preserves the right to select the best idea provider.

The best idea provider of the month: / the name of the winner

8: How I can contact with www.luckyideabd.com?

You can contact us through our contact page.

About Us

The government is working tirelessly to ensure education for all. But no one is taking initiative for the employment of these educated people. Unemployment is rising at a mathematical rate. And so the young people are drowning in despair in the job market. There is intelligence, there is desire to give labor but there is no way to know. So labor is being wasted through various social crimes. Unrest is also growing in the family. I don't know the way of liberation, but I want liberation. We luckyideabd.com tell you the way out of that frustrating world. Welcome to our world.

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Welcome to www.Luckyideabd.com This is the first time the world has seen a free webpage for business idea. We are working on the connection of your job and passion Build up your prosperous future according to your endeavour. ability and fondness Chose your own focus.

Welcome to www.Luckyideabd.com This is the first time the world has seen a free webpage for business idea. We are working on the connection of your job and passion Build up your prosperous future according to your endeavour. ability and fondness Chose your own focus.